

All eyes on employability

Archive 2014

Archive 2014: StudentGuide, HO Management, AtWit’sEnd, HollandHandbook, NRCQ, HervormingArbeidsrecht, EAIE, IEEE, Bertelsman Stiftung, University World News, SvenskaDagbladet, Harvard BusinessReview, Eurograduate2014, Willkommen in Deutschland, Elsevier

Student Guide: Job Hunting Season in Rotterdam

International Student Guide: Job Hunting Season in RotterdamAutumn is an intense job-hunter’s season for fresh graduates. To help them recap the do’s and don’ts, Veronika Norvaisaite has reviewed the best job-hunting practices in the Netherlands in general, and in Rotterdam in particular as a contribution to the new issue of International Student Guide for International Students Rotterdam (ISR).

HO management: De vraag naar talent

HO: De vraag naar talentHoger Onderwijs staat in de schijnwerpers. Onze economie heeft een grote behoefte aan talent. Maar levert het onderwijs ook echt de mensen waar behoefte aan is op de arbeidsmarkt? Wie bepaalt welke competenties belangrijk zijn? En wat verwachten werkgevers van het hoger onderwijs? Geschreven door Nannette Ripmeester.

At Wit’s End. Reflections on Hans de Wit in the wild world of higher education

At Wit’s End. Reflections on Hans de Wit in the wild world of higher educationAt Wit’s End. Reflections on Hans de Wit in the wild world of higher education”, Editors Jos Beelen & Lucy Kerstens, with contributions from of great variety of people from the world of internationalisation of higher education. Nannette wrote the contribution Make it anywhere with 3P’s. ISHBC: 31-54-8401167190-99.

Holland Handbook: Working in the Netherlands

Holland Handbook: Working in the Netherlands Nannette Ripmeester is one of the contributing authors to the “Working in the Netherlands” chapter of 2014 edition Holland Handbook: all you need to know about working in this small country with its international and impressively diverse job market.

NRCQ: Lang lunchen en veel kletsen: zo doe je zaken met Spanje

NRCQ: Lang lunchen en veel kletsen: zo doe je zaken met Spanje Vandaag zijn we natuurlijk even tégen Spanje. Maar als de wedstrijd gespeeld is, en het WK voorbij, gaan de zaken gewoon verder. Wat zijn de do’s en don’ts van het zakendoen met Spanjaarden? Het staat voor een andere manier van werken. Spontaner, flexibeler. Niet met een strakke planning, zegt Nannette Ripmeester.

Hervorming arbeidsrecht is dringend noodzakelijk.

Hervorming arbeidsrecht is dringend noodzakelijk. De meeste winst voor de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt valt te halen uit een herziening van het arbeidsrecht. Het kabinet heeft een aantal ‘verbeteringen’ (tussen heel grote aanhalingstekens) aangekondigd. Een van die ‘verbeteringen’ is de definitieve nekslag voor de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt.

EAIE Handbook: International Businesses: Consumers of Global Talent?

EAIEIs the corporate world a true consumer of global talent? The impact of globalization on business is obvious and therefore the need for more cultural savvy staff is apparent. Does the Higher Education sector need to follow the business world’s lead or are HE institutions in the driver’s seat at all times when it comes to priming graduates who are able to work across continents?

IEEE: What Happens when Gen Y enters the Global Job Market?

IEEE There is a lot said about Generation Y. And as with every generation, comments have not always been positive. Gen Y has been described by some as a group of overqualified yet under-experienced individuals who are willing to work in teams whilst keen to make their own mark. Read more to find out how you as part of this generation can enter the global job market successfully!

Bertelsmann Stiftung: Harnessing European Labour Mobility

Harnessing European Labour Mobility To help foster intra-EU mobility, the Harnessing European Labour Mobility study presents 16 prioritised policy recommendations assessed and tested through a scenario analysis. Nannette Ripmeester was part of the advisory board and contributed to the study with an entry on the value of Erasmus+ programme in professional and personal development of young talents.

University World News, 21 March 2014

University World News The new legislation in Sweden that will aid foreign doctoral candidates and students in staying and working in the country after graduating addresses the high dissatisfaction rates with employment prospects by students in Sweden, as reveled by Nannette Ripmeester, an i-graduate survey spokesperson.

SVENSKA DAGBLADET, Svenska högskolor kritiseras av internationella studenter

SvD NYHETER SVENSKA DAGBLADET newspaper reported that there is room for improvement in the Swedish higher education system as showed, amongst others, by the International Student Barometer. When interviewed about the results, Nannette Ripmeester pointed to the worryingly high students’ dissatisfaction with their levels of employability after graduation, and further emphasised the need to ensure that the international talents feel welcome in order to sustain a healthy economic growth of the country in the future.

Harvard Business Review 25 February 2014

Harvard Business Review In an article titled How To Say “This Is Crap” In Different Cultures, Erin Meyer referred to a Anglo-Dutch translation guide by Nannette Ripmeester explaining how miscommunication can occur between ‘direct cultures’ and ‘indirect cultures’, in this case between the Dutch and the British. A misunderstanding of culture differences can even cost you your job.

Eurograduate 2014

Eurograduate 2014Global mobility expert Nannette Ripmeester sheds light on graduate employability in Europe. What are the skills needed and how to sell those to employers? And where in Europe do you find opportunities? To illustrate what is required to get hired, Expertise in Labour Mobility’s Archie Pollock has conducted 3 interviews to give you some idea of what has worked for these internationals.

Die globale Mobilitätsexpertin Nannette Ripmeester bringt Licht in die Vermittelbarkeit von Hochschulabsolventen in Europa. Welche Fähigkeiten werden gefordert, und wie verkauft man diese den Arbeitgebern? Und wo in Europa liegen Ihre Chancen? Um zu zeigen, welche Voraussetzungen gebraucht weden, um angestellt zu werden, hat Archie Pollock von Expertise in Labour Mobility 3 Interviews durchgefürht.

Willkommen in Deutschland: Wie internationale Studierende den Hochschulstandort Deutschland wahrnehmen

Willkommen in Deutschland reportAs part of the GATE (HRK and DAAD) Germany series to promote international higher education in Germany, Archie Pollock and Nannette Ripmeester have written a report about how international students see and value German higher education based on the data from i-graduate, including the International Student Barometer (ISB), StudentPulse (SP) and interviews.

Elsevier: Hoezo geen banen? In het buitenland is werk genoeg

ElsevierAl zijn er tekenen van economisch herstel, op de arbeidsmarkt is het nog steeds misère en die wordt dit jaar alleen maar erger. Lijdzaam afwachten is niet nodig: in veel andere landen is meer dan voldoende werk.