Erasmus Skills Project Recap
Guide for practitioners, virtual conference, webinars and new video content
Erasmus Skills Project
Erasmus Skills (2018-2021) is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union that seeks to offer universities tools that allow them to improve the learning experience of their mobility
students. Thanks to design of the project, its results will benefit a variety of
stakeholders both at the institutional and individual level and, therefore, benefit the higher
education community and society at large. Students have a primary role in this project
because they are among the main outcomes of universities activities.
Together with the project coordinator Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the other participating organisations, Expertise in Labour Mobility (ELM) participated in this year’s Erasmus Skills project. For the Erasmus skills project, ELM participated in workshops, a conference and two follow-up webinars, which aimed to facilitate students after the Erasmus exchange. During these online events, Nannette Ripmeester, founder of ELM and CareerProfessor, worked together with students and the partner organizers to translate Erasmus exchange skills into valuable assets to incorporate in students CV’s and in their future workplace.

Erasmus Media
Together with ESN and Ferdi de Ville, University of Ghent, ELM’s founder Nannette Ripmeester, recorded video content on how to translate a student’s Erasmus experience into eye-catching CV entries and job interviews.
The first video covers the topics of a student’s exchange experience in regards to mobility and the types of personas international employers are on the lookout for. The second video further elaborates on how to unpack an Erasmus exchange and what cultural factors to consider while doing so.
For extra information and guidance on how to unpack your Erasmus experience, visit the CareerProfessor website which helps students develop a strategic toolkit for finding jobs on the global labour market by enhancing their employability skills.
The Guide for Practitioners
Apart from the online webinars, the conference, and video content, ELM also contributed to The Guide for Practitioners.
Tuesday, March 9th – The Erasmus Skills project published the guide for career professionals.
The Guide for Practitioners provides guidelines to help support the personal development of students that go on a learning-mobility. It helps identify mobility-related soft-skills and competencies, and consists of a comprehensive collection of (and synthetic conclusions from) good management practices in Europe for helping Erasmus students to maximize the benefits (and learning curve) of studying abroad by identifying those skills/competencies acquired during the international student experience (before, during and after).
The end of the Erasmus Skills project marks the start of the EramusJobs project, more information on the ErasmusJobs project is provided on our news page.
The Erasmus Jobs project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author, and the Commission will not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.