

All eyes on employability

ErasmusJobs: The Final Conference!

The Final ErasmusJobs Conference is approaching! Transitioning from education to the global world of work is rather challenging. A full day filled with panel discussions, project outcomes, and how to put theory into practice.  Join for instance Lara Egli and Nannette Ripmeester to discuss the topic ”Preparation for the Labour Market” and learn ‘What key skills are needed for an easy transition to the labour market?’; ‘What are employers looking for?’; and ‘In what way can these skills be applied to a CV?’. The ErasmusJobs conference will take place on 7th December 2021 at 10:00 CET. You can register via Eventbrite.

The conference aims to bring project target groups and partners together while looking at real-life examples and having input from participants of the past project activities.

The conference will be a place to address topics such as preparation for the labour market and bridging from mobility to the labour market from the perspective of students, recruiters, companies and universities. The results of the project will also be presented, the ErasmusJobs platform will be launched and the potential of the project outputs will be looked at for the future mobility students and universities. The value and importance of translating mobility experience as well as non-formal education activities and non-formal/informal learning into career building and professional growth will be presented as well.

”The ErasmusJobs project aims to bridge the skills gap and enhance the transition from education to the labour market. Building on the core principle that a mobility experience reduces long-term unemployment, the ErasmusJobs project aims to clearly identify the skills gained during a stay abroad and make those more understandable by employers” – ErasmusJobs.

ErasmusJobs brings together many stakeholders to ensure a future of employable Erasmus+ alumni through different events and activities such as training events and workshops. ErasmusJobs is an Erasmus+ KA2 project, to bridge the skills gap for the Erasmus Generation. The project is a collaborative cross-European partnership between ESN, Masaryk University, Leo-Net, Universidad de Alcala, European Institute for Industrial Leadership, Université de Mons, European University Foundation, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, and Expertise in Labour Mobility.