WC2014: NL vs Mexico: ‘Naranja Mecánica’ is going to make Orange the new Black
Nora confirms what the whole Dutch Nation is hoping for Orange is the new black – she ran for the heap of lettuce with the Dutch flag and completely ignored the pile with the Mexican flag. That does not mean it will be ‘easy does it’ against the Mexicans, but I have faith in Nora. She was right against Spain and Chili and when she first went for the carrot with the Australian flag, I think she was simply telling us: watch out, you are underestimating your opponent. And she was right – it was ‘our’ most difficult match. For tonight’s match against Mexico, she expects no problems. We will win according to Nora the Rabbit.
If we look at it from a cultural difference angle, it is going to be an interesting match: Mexicans prefer not to comprise, but expect both their opponent and themselves to resolve a conflict based on their strength and ability. Will we be seeing two teams playing counter attack style, strong in their defense and with fast forwards? If one looks at the past matches of both teams one may expect this to happen, but I think we may be in for a surprise.
First of all, the Dutch team has the option of going back to the playmaking style, it is called ‘Dutch School’ for a reason. Secondly, compromise does not come easy to the Mexicans as it feels as defeat upfront and lack of skill. I expect an energetic game ☺
The problems for the temperate Dutch may come from the Mexican passion. The Mexicans are rather emotional in their reactions, with expressive body language and a clear touch of drama with very little respect for personal space. Coach Miguel Herrera seems to lead his men in this passion!
Whether the Mexicans are able to stop the ‘Naranja Mecánica’ depends partly on their individual strength. In a culture where personal recognition is a major issue based on respect from the group, it needs more than a good goalkeeper like Guillermo Ochoa to stop the Clockwork Orange. I agree with Nora: Orange is the new Black!
Nannette Ripmeester
Expertise in Labour Mobility
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